Release Date: 18 Mar 2016
Album ID: KT316
Category: Drama, Horror
Based off the songs from Disturbia volumes A and B, these are the lightest, creepiest of ethereal ambiances that will get the skin crawling on the back of your...Read more
1. Air of Enslavement
Killer Tracks
2. Ill Breeze
3. Imaginary Forces
4. Radioactive Light
5. Emergent Power
6. Surviving The Wreckage
7. Unsettled Atmosphere
8. Sailing Away
9. Something Amiss
10. Strange Weight
11. Technological Dread
12. Convergence of Spirits
13. Creeping Evil
14. Voices On The Wind
15. Untold Story
16. Voices Coming Through
17. Ouija Speaks
18. Spirits Call
19. Cold Fog
20. Breath Words
21. Raven's Nest
22. Disembodied Voice
23. Doll Spirit
24. Unfillable Empty
25. Invisible Eyes
26. Private Memorial
27. Final Release
28. What's Left