Release Date: 09 Jul 2021
Album ID: ESW2992
Category: Sound Design / Production Elements
Explosive impacts and hits heard from a distance
1. On The Horizon
Shockwave EFX
2. In The Distance
3. Across The Pond
4. Over Hill
5. Under Down
6. Beyond
7. Skyward
8. Far Far Away
9. Spanning
10. Onward
11. Measured
12. Travel Time
13. Spending Time
14. Wide Open Space
15. Ominous Pound
16. Preparing Fire
17. Preposition
18. Lager Head
19. Fever Blast
20. Impolosion
21. Danger Zone
22. Blast Radius
23. Sound Break
24. Drum Top
25. Master Well
26. Tunnel Bore
27. Mine Crops
28. Shoot Stalk
29. Ultimate Bare
30. Trancendental Train